Special Purpose Counters

Special Purpose Counters are engineered to work with safety and efficiency. These are extremely essential for the retailers. Offered counters are available in different configurations. The said counters are suited for manufacturing purposes and controlling the batch sizes. They can be utilized well for long duration and need minimum maintenance. Special Purpose Counters ensure digital readouts and effortlessly installed. The counters are the durable solutions and can be classified into different types. These are suited for counting the notes as well as billing purpose. These counters are of functional design and are available with modish design. Rendered essentials are demanded in many sectors.
Product Image (09)

Days Countdown Display

Price: 7000 INR/Piece
  • Warranty:1 Year
  • Color:Amber/Blue/Green/Red/White
  • Size:0.5" - 12"
Product Image (07)

Coke Counter

Price: 8500 INR/Piece

A Coke Vending machine dispenses different flavours of soft drink automatically. A Coke counter is a special application installed to count the number of cups of a drink dispensed per multiple flavours. It also controls the amount of drink dispensed to fill the glass. These counters are used along with Drink Dispensing machines which support four and six drinks respectively. They have a pre-programmed setup for three different measuring volumes. The counter keeps track of a number of drinks dispensed. External lock avoids unauthorized person accessing the counter.These counters give more accurate information than the manual method of counting. As often counting is directly related to the revenue generated, these counters form a very crucial part of the machinery. Drink Dispensing Counters can be used in Airports, Cinema Halls, Malls, Soda pubs, Railway stations, Restaurants etc. Our range of multiple Drink Dispensing Counters is specially designed and has unmatched features making it different for from all other regular dispensing counters.